Wednesday, April 25, 2012


After taking his seat in our car,
Younger Boy started asking me.

YB : Dad, can you give me a number?

I : Of course, I can. Any number?

YB : Well, a single digit number.

I : O.K. 4.

YB : Now, give me a letter.

I : R?

YB : Now, we're going to play a game.
Take turn to say a 4-letter word beginning with a R.

I : O.K. Should I start?

YB : No, wait. I start.  Rain.

I :  Ruin.

YB : Rule.

I : Role.

YB : R....

I : R.....

(We arrived car park & started walking)

YB : Read.

I : Raid.

YB : Wait. Dad. We've to walk slowly, very slowly.

I : Why?

YB : Because the game stops when we reach school gate.
And I still haven't found the next word!

Good Spelling comes from Good Playing

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


My wife & I have been using various Tools,
Trying to help our boys getting the Ultimate Goal,
Enjoying True, Longlasting Happiness in Life.

So, we encourage them to take up various activities.
Piano, Badminton, Swimming, Table Tennis, Chess etc.
Helping them to develop the Essential Life Skills.

Concentration, Devotion, Precision, Determination....
And of course, Asking Questions,
'How did he do it?'  'Why the shuttle went that way?' 'What..'

I Think therefore I Exist. Indeed.
But as the world is getting More Competitive,
So, one has to, 'I Question, I Improve & therefore I Advance'.

And one's to be both Mentally & Physically fit.
Not meaning one has to win trophies like a Champion.
But to have a Champion's Attitude.

Always having a Vision on why they're doing.
Always Enjoying on what they're doing.
Always Improving on how they're doing.

Then, very soon,
Always in a Happier & Healthy Life.
Life is, in most cases, Very Fair.

What Happens Next depends on What You Do Now

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


While us walking to his school,
Younger Boy started a chat.

YB : Did I tell you I'd a dream last night?

I : No, you didn't.

YB : Alright. I'd a dream that you'd won a lottery.

I : Really?

YB : Do you want to guess how much you'd won?

I : £25 Million?

YB: No. More than that.

I : £35 Million?

YB : No. More than that.

I : OK. £50 Million?

YB : No. Less than that.

I : Alright. £45 Million?

YB : No. Do you want me to tell you?

I : Oh, please.

YB : It's £47 Million.

I : Oh, yes, of course, £47 Million.

YB : How are you to use that £47 Million?

I :'s an odd number.

YB : OK. Let's make it £50 Million.

I : Then, I'll ... .
Wait.... how would you spend the money then?

YB : I'll divide it into.......

Children Give us the Best Dreams

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


One of the MAIN duties of parents,
Is to help their children to prepare...
For the Challenges in the REAL world.

And I've been using the news as a tool.
To give our boys a snapshot of the Real world,
Help them to stay Focused, enjoy Real Happiness.

So, I briefed them a report about Friends.
Thanks to FB, children now have abt 200 Friends.
Abt 4 times More than their parents.

I then asked boys,
'Is there a difference between an online & a Real friend?'
'Does one have More friends = have More Happiness?'

Then, a report about 50% Youth Unemployment in Spain.
I then asked boys,
'Why there're so many youngsters unemployed there?'

It's about helping boys to develop ESSENTIAL Life Skills.
Not to force them to, Not to talk them into,
But let them understand it's their DUTY to develop such Skills.

Develop Real Skills or Face Real Disaster