Friday, August 28, 2009


10 days ago, I had NOT decided to take a holiday at Cairns.
Only Thinking.
And Discussing with my wife if we should.

But, my boys had ALREADY assumed we WOULD be there.

So they'd started counting down.
They started saying, "9 nights to go!"

When we finally decided to take a 5-day Cairns holiday a few days ago.
My boys started allocating the hotel's complimentary internet useage.
"Dad -1st day....Mum..."

Children are so Happy.
So Easy to.
And Extend the Happiness too!

So, they're happy BEFORE the holiday.
More Happy DURING the holiday.
Still Happy AFTER the holiday.

Seem like they're having THREE holidays at any one holiday!

Being Happy is So Simple.
Have to learn from them.

Everyday is a Happy Day - if you want it to be!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


My Elder Boy was in trouble in May 08 when he just turned 9.

His Year 4 teacher told me he'd made a bad decision during the ICT lesson.
After giving me the details, she'd assured me my Elder Boy'd learnt a lesson.

I'd asked my Elder Boy for his Version.
His Version collaborated with his teacher's.

He was at the time thinking,

"What would happen if I typed in the 'F' word as the password?"

He'd learnt it the hard way.

The Whole Computer System at the school was down!

I advised his teacher my Elder Boy would NOT come to the class the following day.
As I'd take him to a special place to give him a Reminder.

I also advised the Primary School Head when pumping into her on our way out.
She stated,
"It may NOT be necessary for him NOT to come to school tomorrow.
It was only a Minor Issue."

I insisted,
"Minor Issue if NOT being dealt with promptly would soon become a Major Issue."
"He'll NOT be coming to school tomorrow for the Fun Friday. Thanks."

On returning home, I had a long chat with my Elder Boy.

I : Curiosity is Good in some sense. That's why we'd invented airplane, car etc.

B : Yes, I was only Curious what would happen if the "F" word was typed in as password.

I : But remember, Curiosity if NOT handled Properly could Destroy a person.

B: ........

I : Tomorrow I'm to take you to a place, showing you the Consequences of NOT handling Curiosity Properly.

So, we're in a local court the following day.
Inside a court room for 15 minutes.

I later asked my boys what was the case about.

B : Drug?

I : Yes. What had the man standing there done?

B : Sold Drug?

I : Yes. he was Curious about Drug when he's Young. But did NOT handle the Curiosity
well, ending up first taking it then selling it and now become a Career Criminal.

B :.........

I : I'd like to remind you two things, my boy.
First, think if it is the Right Thing to do.
Second, even if it's Right, think if it's the Right Time to do it there and then.
If in doubt, what you should do?

B : Ask?

I : Ask whom?

B : Ask you or Mum?

I : Yes, my son. Or some responsible adult, like a teacher.

B : Could I have my 20-minute weekly computer game allowance later today, please?

Children............Learn Quick!

Every Incident is a Learning Opportunity

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


My 6-year-old boy loves to give Mum a "Morning Hug" every morning.

Every morning the 1st thing.

And this is Infectious.

My 10-year-old boy started to do the same.
But with a new twist.

He wants More - not just in the morning or before going to bed.

I've asked my Elder Boy why he loves to Hug me (& Mum)
He replied, "Because it's (our body) soft , giving me a Good Feeling"

Yes. I must admit it does give a Good Feeling.

Feeling the Warmth from your Child.
Feeling the Happiness of your Child.
Feeling..........just being so CLOSE to your Child.
CLOSE to their Body, their Mind, their Soul......

Yes, the Invisible Bonding between Parent and Children has now become so Visible.
Visible due to Physical.

Have we as Parents Hug our children often enough?

Love can be expressed other than Words.
Can be shown by Action.

And my wife suggested to me yesterday,
"May be we should Hug each other More Often?"

Did I not say this is Infectious?!

Embracing a Good Feeling

Friday, August 14, 2009


I was shocked when watching a local 7 News on Monday evening.

Two persons stating something along the line that,
"These days, we have some teens do not know how to make a tea, a lunch etc.
So I feel that these skills should be taught at school like Maths or Science..."

Wait a minute.

How difficult is it to make a tea or a sandwich?
(We're NOT taking about Master Tea Maker or MasterChef)

More Importantly,
How much time does it take to make one?

Most importantly,
What are the Parents doing at home?

Is this NOT something that parents doing WITH their children at home?
(And have some fun together?)

There is NOT even enough time to teach the BASIC Literacy, Maths etc. skill at school.
Putting this something NOT so Urgent,
NOT so Relevant,
And something parent can do at HOME into school syllabus....

Absolutely Unimaginable!

I'm glad that my boys set the table ready everytime we have meals.
Will draw the curtains when the night comes etc. etc.
This is NOT Skill.

This is Respect .
Respect for Oneself - Never sit there and waiting to be served.

This is Duty.
Duty to be a Good Family Member - Get Involved in family matters.

This is.....

As I often say,
There is NO Teenage Problem,
There is ONLY Parent Problem.

What have the parents been doing for the 12-3 years before their children turn Wild?

Ask Yourself before Blaming Everyone Else

Monday, August 10, 2009


My Younger Boy loves Playing.

Playing Lego, Playing Piano & Playing Chess.

So, I had a Chess game with him a few days ago.
Just like many other games I'd played with him before.
When being asked if I should give him some advantages like with one less Castle,
He replied "NO, just play normal this time."

Alright, so I did.
And so I'd.................................LOST!!!

I was beaten!
A 46-year-old man was beaten by his 6-year-old son!!

When I lost a castle, he was happy & jumping.
Then, I lost a Knight, a Bishop and then.....a Queen.
I saw him singing, saw him jumping.

And when he won, he was everywhere, jumping around, singing aloud!
A bit like New Year Celebration!

After him calming down, I then asked him why I'd lost the game.
He stated in a calm voice,
"Because you're Over-confident?"

Yes, I was.
I though it was a piece of cake to beat him.
Then I made not one but 4 major Mistakes.

"So what have you learnt from my defeat, my son?"

"Never Too Confident!"

Be Humble or to Tumble
P.S. Just read the news over the weekend, looking at the Academic Assessment results of ALL schools in Queensland State. A Top school introduces Chess to All students (i.e. from Year 1), claiming that it helps children's development greatly like planning ahead, forming strategies etc.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Breakfast Time

Breakfast Time could sometimes become Trouble Times.
When my boys start arguing with, if not shouting at, each other.

They had one again a few days ago.
So, I started to shift their attention by asking each one of them,
"Could you each please tell me two things nice about your brother"

My Younger Boy,
"He helps me and he gives me clear instructions."

(He always think his Elder Brother is his "Boss"!)

My Elder Boy,
"He helps me and do what I tell him."

So, I then reminded them,
"See, you two enjoy each other's company and.......the Help!"

"Remember, my boys,
No matter how much you two argue today,
No matter how much you fight each other today,
I'd like you two to remember this,
You two are Brothers,
You two are born to Help each other,
To Love each other, alright?"

Their eyes were Blinking, their mouth were Smiling.

My Younger Boy then asked me,
"Could you please tell me two things, you as a Husband, nice about your Wife?"

This 6-year-old boy is indeed a Quick Learner!

And a Joker!

Children Learn Most from their Parents