Friday, December 25, 2009

Birthday Wish

My Younger Boy had its 7th Birthday a few days ago.

He's very excited.
So excited that he'd blown the candles on his cake,
WITHOUT us singing him the birthday song First!
WITHOUT me putting the Videocam on First!
WITHOUT him making his Wish First!

We took him out to get his Birthday Present.

He'd a Big Smile when having it.
When putting it on......

A Brand New Spectacle!
With Bifocal Lens.

His Shortsightedness has jumped from -1.5 to -3.5 within a year!
Three different optometrists comforted us,
The feeling Guilty parents,
"Bookworms are like this!"

He's much Happy now because he can see things much better!
And his Birthday Wish?

B : A Very Happy Life.

I : It means.....

B : Eat Good Food.

I : And?

B : Play Good Toys.

I : And?

B : Do Work slightly above my level.

I : Wah...That's Good. Anything else?

B : That's pretty much what I need.

I : What about your Family?
Do you need that to have a Very Happy Life?

B : (Looking at me with a Cheeky Smile)
That's.......Pretty Obvious!
You'll get Bored with No Family!!

Family Keep Us Happy, Keep Us Going

Friday, December 18, 2009


It's been Unbelievably Hot.
In Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria...
Everywhere is at least 30+, many above 40+!!

But, it's Cool to hear my Elder Boy saying......

"This's Life!" while us having lunch at home.

I : What do you mean?

B : This's Life, Dad. Because....
(He gave me a Satisfying Smile)

I : Because......?

B : Because we've a House.

I : Yes.

B : Because we've Air-conditioning.

I : Yes.

B : And because we've Clean Clothes!

I : Yes, of course.

B : Life is Good because it's Nice & Cool in our Own Home
And we do NOT need to wear smelly sweating dirty clothes!

I : I'm glad you Appreciate Life with small things.
So, Good Life does NOT need TV or Computer Games, Right?
So, NO need to have your 20-minute Weekly Computer Game Quota?

I could see his eyes open wide, trying to protest!

Simple Life is a Great Life

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I have asked my Global Friends the following question lately,

"What Education is all about?"

It is only Fair that I also boys.

The 10-year-old Elder Boy quickly replied,
"I've told you before."

I : Have you? O.K.
For the sake of an old man, please one more time.

EB : Alright. It's about Learning & Teaching.

(I though he got the Order wrong from a start but I was wrong!)

I : What do you mean by Learning? Where do you Learn? School?

EB : No, not just school. Learn from Anywhere.

I : Could you give me an example.

EB : Like learn from a tree.
(He pretended an apple falling from a tree hitting his head and said, Issac Newton)

I : What about Teaching? Who's teaching you?

F : No. It's me Teaching others.
After I've learnt something, I'm to teach others.
Like me teaching my younger brother how to play a new game.

I then asked my 6-year-old Younger Boy.

He replied without thinking,

"It is about Good Behaviour, Good Work & Good Friend"
"And everyone learns all the time!"

Learns from Anyone at Anytime

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Different Ways

I often remind my boys,

"There're always more than one way to do things.
Find the one that suits you most"

And they did.
Took Different Approach for the same situation.

My wife & I took them to an indoor playground last Wed.
The Chipmunk near North Lake.

My Elder Boy came to my Wife after playing for sometime.

EB : Mum, a girl called YYY , "Chinese Sausage"
(YYY is my Younger Boy's name)

M : How old is the girl?

EB : May be 8.

M : Do you know why she said that?

EB : I don't know.

M : What did you do then?

EB : I just stared at her.

M : And what did she do?

EB : She said, "I bet you want to hit me."

M : Did you?

EB : No, I just kept staring at her.

M : And then?

EB : She just left & played something else.

M : Good boy, you did the Right thing.

He then ran away to play.
My Younger Boy then came.

YB : Mum, a girl just called me "Chinese Sausage"

M : I know, you brother just told me. What did you do then?

YB : I said ot her, "I don't care about that, but you're English Muffin!"

M : And then?

YB : And then I just quickly ran away from her & continued playing.

This's Funny.
Because I used to test my boys how they'd deal with Bullying.
By calling them........ Yes! Chinese Sausage!

Funny because my Wife asked our Younger Boy,
"How do you know she's English?

YB : I don't know. I just said it.

M : What if she's an Oz?

YB :m.......... I know, I know, OZ Burger!

Told you that Children's World are Perfect.
Full of Laughter.
Full of ........Food!!

Had Reminded them again,

"Being Right does NOT mean one has the Right to be Rude"

Showing Respect, Earning Respect