Saturday, August 27, 2011


Some months ago,
After us relocating back to UK,
While playing at Park in Exeter,
A boy asked my Younger Boy some questions.

B : Do you come from China?

YB : No. I come from Australia.

B : So, you're born in Australia.

YB : No. I's born in New Zealand.

B : So, you come here for holiday.

YB : No. I live here ( UK)

B : O.K. Let's just play!

Children Give You Joy

Monday, August 22, 2011


Elder boy started a chat when us having breakfast.

EB : I'm going to ask other children about Phrases.

I : What do you mean?

EB : Asking them at what Phrase they're in.

I : And the Phrases are?

EB :  There're 3 Phrases.
Soccer, girl friend & computer game.

I :  Oh, I see.  And in that order?

EB : No. It should be Computer game 1st.
Soccer 2nd & girl friend last.

I : Can one be in 3 Phrases at the same time?

EB : No. Of course not.
Noone can have so much time!

Children Time, Happy Time

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Attended a Uni Reunion Dinner with boys.
Younger boy started a chat in the toilet.

YB : You looked red, dad?

I : Do I?

YB : Yes. Did you drink beer?

I : Yes, I did.

YB : Why did you drink?

I : Well, of
Beer could Naturalise my 'Internal Heat'.

YB : Did you drink a lot?

I : No. Only one glass.

YB : You need to drink now.

I : Drink more beer?

YB : No. You need to drink WATER!

Children are Best Minders

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Elder boy started a chat during dinner.

EB : Do you know what happened today at school?

I : Hmmm, something interesting?

EB : Kind of. We're told to come up with a plan?

I : A plan for?

EB : For a game to be used in a school function.

I : So, did you present any plan?

EB : No. Because a team member was....
So quickly in presenting one.

I : Well, that shouldn't have stopped you?

EB : I know But that team member was so keen.
Kept giving details, even drawing diagrams of...
How the game worked.

I : Do you not like that game?

EB : Yes, I like it But that's not the point.

I : And your point is?

EB : I believe my game could be better.

I : Did you tell your team there and then?

EB : No.

I : Why not?

EB : I'm to tell them about my game tomorrow.
Let all team members calm down a bit 1st.
& I'm to prepare myself better tonight 1st.

I : And then?

EB : I'm to speak to another member tomorrow.
Getting some feedback & support first.....
Before presenting my game to the whole team.

I : Are you going to tell them your game ....
Could be better than the other one?

EB : No. This's not the point.

I : And the point is?

EB : 2 games better than 1.
Because this'll Double our income.
Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail