Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Picked up Elder Boy from school.
He started the chat.

EB : Something happened today.

I : What happened?

EB : A teacher showed us a Roman Helmet.

I : That's good.

EB : The class were asked to try it on.

I : Did you try then?

EB : No.

I : Did others?

EB : Yes, they did.

I : Were you the only one NOT trying?

EB : Yes.

I : Why Not?

EB : I think its' dirty. Everyone wore it.

I : Did you tell others why?

EB : No. I just said, 'I don't want to try.'

I : What happened then?

EB : Class started clapping & calling my name.

I : Encouraging you to do it?

EB : Yes.

I : But you still didn't?

EB : No. A few didn't want to do it first.

I : But they did wear the helmet in the end?

EB : Yes, due to 'Peer Group' pressure.
The class eventually started to boo me.

I : But you still didn't do it?

EB : That's right.

I : Why not?

EB : Why should I?
I'm not doing something because others want me to.

Everyone Has A Principle

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