Thursday, July 26, 2012


I've been asked time and time again,
By different friends in different countries,
'Have your boys been affected by the regular moving?'

I replied every time, all the times, 'Yes.'
'Of course, my boys have been affected but.....
'Only in the good ways.'

Boys like to compare cars.
In Australia, people tend to drive.....
And in UK, there a re more.......

Boys enjoys comparing weather .
In HK, the summer is .......
In UK, the rain has been.....

Boys love comparing prices.
In Australia, a holiday home asks....
In HK, a hotel room would cost...

New Environment brings New Stimulation.
Helping children to have a Better Visualisation,
Better Preparation & Better......Calculation.

Just like when we are in overseas.
Boys keep using the exchange rate to calculate.
How much the same thing would cost them in UK.

I once asked back after a friend asking me the above question.
I asked, 'Does the fact that your child living in the same house,
'With the same domestic helper, in the same school has......

'Helped your child to fully develop their hidden Potentials?
'Enabled your child to quickly settle in new Environments?
'Ensured your child to effectively deal with all Unknown?'

Nothing New : New Approach Solves Old Problems

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