Friday, September 28, 2012


Over the years,
I've time & time again,
Shared with our boys about my views.

And in particular,
On how to achieve a Better/Happier Life.
On what I call, DAD.

D for Duty.
Everyone has Duties.
As a parent, a child, a community member....

Anyone trying to run away from their Duty,
Or pretending they don't have any Duty,
Is to end up living in misery.

A for Alone.
Everyone needs Alone moment.
A peaceful time that one can reflect, relax....

Anyone feels happy only when being in a crowd,
Or misunderstands Alone = Lonely,
Is to be sorry for themselves eventually.

D for Dreams.
Everyone should have Dreams.
When they're younger, maturer, older.......

Anyone not having Dreams lacks the energy,
The will to take on Unavoidable Failures in Life,
Is to forget what differs us from other animals :

We, humans, have Dreams.
So, what are your Dreams?
How you're to help your child/ren realising theirs?

Step by Step, Day  by Day,
Making Dreams come True in every way
E :

Friday, September 21, 2012


While tying our shoe laces before leaving for school,
Younger Boy & I had a chat in entrance hall.

I : Going to work, mate?

YB : Yeah, mate.

I : Where do you work?

YB : North London Hospital.

I : What do you do?

YB : I'm a doctor.

I : A porter?

YB : No. I'm a doctor.

I : A doctor?

YB : Yes. In Orthopedic.

I : Automatic?

YB : No, Orthopedic. 
About bones, OK?

I : Doctor, my neck hurts.
Can you help then?

YB : You don't need a doctor,
You only need a massage.

Good Laugh leading to Good Health
E :

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Recent visit to Hong Kong reminded me of 2 facts.
Hard to be a student in HK.
Even harder to be a student's parent in HK.

My sister-in-law's child was to start primary.
She'd  'day off' to queue outside several schools,
In 30+ degree, out on a street just to get a form.

Not even the very top schools.
Still the competition was so fierce.
Child's portfolio, Interview, Tests  & yes, deposit $£.

Met a parent whose child also starting primary.
The 1st question her relatives asking her was,
'Have you found a tutor for your child yet?'

Her child was only 6 - same as my sister-in-law's.
A private piano teacher telling me something new.
Many of her students revised their school work.....

Till 2300 the past,
Now.... it's 0100 hrs.
Yes, till the early morning.

In my years as a student in HK, only a few had a tutor.
Now, only a few if any, NOT having a tutor.
And most popular tutors earning millions of $£ a year.

After years of Intense Pressure & Insufficient Sleep,
Do HK students know how to Think, be Creative etc.?
Are they just good at answering questions on papers?

I'd done some observations & 'tests' while in HK,
On some selected students of different ages, abilities etc.,
And confirmed some of the facts I always believe.

As parents, we've to look beyond headlines, figures etc.,
Have to establish facts ourselves.
Finding the best way forward for our child.

I'm to take the Strengths of  HK & UK's education system,
When developing my own system for my boys,
To ensure the Right Level of  'Pressure' & Pleasure.

Facts Speak for Itself - Finding them Ourselves

Friday, September 7, 2012


After attending a presentation in HK,
I returned hotel & had a chat with Elder Boy.

I : I was wrong, my boy.

ED : You mean...?

I : I thought the talk was organised by a 'watchdog',
In the memory study profession, but it's just...
Another profit-focusing organisation.

ED : Really?

I : Yes. Have a guess.
How much do you think it charges for a course?

ED : Thousands of  dollars?
(HK$.  £1 =HK$12)

I : No.
ONLY about HK$38,000!

ED : Well, it may sound a lot.
But how many lessons are there?

I : 70 lessons.

ED : How long for each lesson?

I : 90 minutes.

ED : And how many students in a class?

I : About 1 : 6.

ED : Do you still think it's expansive?

I : much is it again?

Money Can't buy Good Memory