Saturday, January 5, 2013


I always remind my boys,
'Health is Wealth'
& it's their responsibility to exercise regularly.

So, they've been doing various sports,
Badminton, table tennis, swimming etc.
To ensure they've Physical Health.

So, I've been asking them various questions,
'If you're to have children, how many do you want & why?'
'If you win a lottery, what would you do with the money?'

'If you're a boss, what would you look for when recruiting?'
'If you're a headteacher, is there anything you would change?'
To ensure they've Mental Health.

Essential to have one's Body & Brain constantly stretched,
So that they could be as Healthy as they could be.
& they just joined a local chess club - stretching Brain again.

Good Health comes from Good Habits
E :

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