Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Take For Granted

I often remind my boys, amongst other things,

NEVER Take Things for Granted

E.g. Never assume that bad things Only happen to others.
E.g. Never assume that everyone is a Kind person.

My rented car was Unlawfully Ticked.

When parking the car outside a supermarket,
I checked the parking meter, confirming there was still 90 minutes.
So, I did not put any more coins in.

When coming out from the store,
I was shocked to see a parking ticket - when there was still 67 minutes left!

Shocked I was ticketed for parking a car at a meter,
".....showing the word 'Expired'" (According to the ticket)

I asked my 10-year-old Elder Boy.

I : Why I was ticked?

B : May be the officer is new. He issues more ticket, so that he gets more money!

I : No. He will NOT get more pay for issuing more tickets.

B : May be he only saw you parking at the meter but not knowing there was still money in the meter.

I : Still, he's to check the meter First.

B : That's True.

I : This's Serious. If he did not check the meter First before issuing, he's Neglect of his Duty.

B : ........

I : But if he'd checked the meter First AND still issued the ticket, he'd committed a Criminal Offence.

The Biggest Challenge for any parent, I suppose, is to,

Help their child to avoid being a Victim of someone's

- Mistake
- Incompetence
- Neglect
- Laziness
- Greed
- ..........

Always Be Alert
P.S. I made a complaint to the Mayor. She replied she did not know why it had happened. But had cancelled the ticket and apologised for any upset that might have caused

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